A Scenario of the End Times

Suddenly, millions and millions of people, people who identify as Christians, people from all over the world, disappear from the earth. It is even noticed that some who have just died also disappear. The world is in a frenzy to explain what has happened. Some assert it is the rapture that the Christian Scriptures speak about, others that it is a massive alien abduction, others that it is a government conspiracy, still others have no explanation at all.

A powerful national leader claims he knows what happened and gives a credible explanation that many people believe. He leverages his acclaim to make an alliance with nine other nations forming a powerful pack of nations that work together to bring other nations under their dominance. He threatens all the middle eastern nations, gaining control over many, but is unable to control Israel. He makes a seven-year non-violence treaty with Israel, which Israel uses to its advantage to take control of the temple mount and rebuild Yahweh’s temple. The world rests in peace.

An assassination attempt on this leader seems successful, with a lethal wound to his head, but he miraculously revives with all his mental capacities back to normal. He begins to claim that he is a supernatural being, and though it has only been three and a half years since his pact with Israel, he launches a war against Israel and wins. He enters Israel’s temple and sits in it as God, claiming himself to be divine and worthy of worship. Many Israelites flee the country as this man has a vendetta against Jews that is unparalleled. He turns his attention to persecuting a new group of Christians who have sprung up since the disappearance of all Christians from earth.

With a new empowerment, this leader begins trying to gobble up other nations, threatening even the super-powers of the world, which have been in decline. Wars break out everywhere and with them a financial and health collapse world-wide. At the same time there is an astonishing group of Jewish Christians who begin evangelizing all over the world, with incredible success. Two of them in particular are extremely successful in winning over other Jews. People everywhere hate these witnesses and try to kill them. The two witnesses seem invulnerable to these assassination attempts and seem to have powers to retaliate and protect themselves.

A wave of punishing phenomena hits the earth, from fiery pellets from the sky setting massive fires all over the world, a huge fiery comet hitting the sea and killing a massive amount of sea life and destroying a large part of the nations’ navies, a similar raining down of meteors having a similar effect on the rivers and lakes of the world, an unworldly darkness that comes from ash in the skies, to a strange breed of insects like locusts that attack people with their stingers, from which Christians are strangely immune. A massive war with two hundred million troops erupts in the middle east killing a third of the world’s population, and all this is followed by a devastating hailstorm and earthquake that seems to come from heaven itself.

The population of earth is in disarray and emotionally devastated. The ruler is wildly successful in his bid to control the major countries of the world and sets his sights on the major super-power, attacking her with his allied nations and becoming victorious. He makes a law that no one can buy or sell unless they take his mark upon them. His economic control of the world is astonishing. But then another wave of punishing phenomena hits. A plague of festering sores breaks out, seeming to only affect those who have the leader’s mark on them, then a new devastating plague on the oceans, rivers and lakes that kills all life in them, solar flaring becomes so intense that the earth is being burned up followed by another bout with intense darkness, and then a new military attack is launched between the players in the middle east, in Israel particularly with the leader embroiled in conflict.

Suddenly the sky erupts, like it is torn open, and Jesus comes down to earth with all the Christians he had made disappear, comes to fight against the leader and all the other nations warring it out in Israel. His army finds no match in earth’s armies, and they are mercilessly effective in defeating them. Jesus takes the leader and his powerful second in command and casts them into the Lake of Fire forever. He confines Satan somewhere and sets up his own throne in Jerusalem. Any remaining unbelievers he sends to Hades, he resurrects all believers who were martyred during this time of tribulation, and he rewards all believers who survived the tribulation. The whole world is populated only with believers in every nation. He builds a new temple, and the nations all give allegiance to Jesus and reign with him and Israel for one thousand years.

The believers who survived the tribulation are fruitful and multiply, with many generations being born over the thousand years. But not all of those born in the kingdom come to faith in Jesus. And when Satan is released from his confinement, he finds a ready source in these for an army willing to attack Jesus in Jerusalem. His attempt at a coup fails and he is cast into the Lake of Fire. A final judgment is set up before Jesus’ throne, where all unbelievers come before Jesus to determine their punishment in the Lake of Fire. Their judgment hinges on their not being in Jesus’ Book of Life, and on the record of their deeds.

God then does a major remodel of earth, using fire to purge it and re-forming it with new and unusual properties. He brings heaven to earth, the heavenly counterpart to the city Jerusalem, the heavenly temple, and housed within it are all those who have believed and they dwell with Him forever.

Randall Johnson

About the Author

Randall Johnson

A full-time pastor since 1979, Randall originally graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM) in 1979 and from Reformed Theological Seminary (DMin) in 1998. He is married with four grown children and a pile of epic grandchildren.

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