Some Will Depart From the Faith – 1 Timothy 4:1-5
There are typically two opposite forms false doctrine takes. One licenses various
Continue reading...There are typically two opposite forms false doctrine takes. One licenses various
Continue reading...Paul tells us in Ephesians 3:6 that the mystery of the gospel is "that the Gentiles
Continue reading...In Acts 6, when the Hellenistic widows were not being served equally to the Hebraistic
Continue reading...Paul has sent Timothy to Ephesus to put things in order in that church. So he has
Continue reading...The issue of women in leadership is a complicated one, and a controversial one.
Continue reading...A mediator brings two alienated parties together, reconciled. God and humanity
Continue reading...Ravi Zacharias made a shipwreck of the faith, using his reputation and income as
Continue reading...It was not obedience to the Law that saved Paul, and it certainly was not obedience
Continue reading...What is the purpose of the Law? This is the question Paul addresses here in short.
Continue reading...We have a tendency to make mountains out of mole hills, in the church and out.
Continue reading...It is often said that every believer ought to have a Paul, a father and discipler
Continue reading...It is good to have multiple testimonies about someone's character and doctrine before
Continue reading...It is fascinating that here, in the first century church, there are people who brazenly
Continue reading...There was a long tradition in the Roman Empire of traveling teachers who expected
Continue reading...Whereas 1 John does not begin with John claiming any title, though he addresses his
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