In the Law of Moses it was required that every family tithe, or give 10 percent,
Continue reading...There has recently arisen a "new perspective" on the Judaism of Jesus' day, challenging
Continue reading...In Jesus' day the interpretation of Psalm 110 was that it spoke of the Messiah as
Continue reading...She had two questions, "When we reach heaven, will we join our spouse there, or is
Continue reading...What Is a Christian’s Responsibility to Government? That is the question the
Continue reading...Our text today says Jesus was preaching the gospel in the temple, but what was that
Continue reading...The Jews revolted against Roman authority in 66 CE. The Roman army fought them
Continue reading...The world wants and needs a Savior. Just look for evidence of that in the politicians
Continue reading...Wikipedia says about the monetary unit called a mina, from earliest Sumerian times,
Continue reading...C.S. Lewis writes about his conversion in his autobiographical book, Surprised by
Continue reading...If you had been told on January 1, 2020, that there would be a world-wide pandemic
Continue reading...It is hard not to appreciate the rich mindset versus the poor mindset. For example,
Continue reading...Tom Stuart has a nice article on the 7 Qualities of Childlike Faith. It is trusting,
Continue lists children's TV "that promotes humility," shows like Guillermina
Continue reading...Losing heart is a real risk for frontline healthcare workers. Renee Bacher at AARP
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