In the beautiful 2018 documentary about Fred Rogers, Won't You Be My Neighbor, it
Continue reading...When the movie Selma came out, a movie about Martin Luther King, Jr., and the march
Continue reading...There are those who say that evangelistic outreach in unevangelized areas requires
Continue reading...It's a 10 or 11 minute video by a farmer showing us modern field plowing. His plow
Continue reading...I doubt he would say this about his book, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are
Continue reading...What do we mean when we say someone is twisted. Merriam-Webster says it means mentally
Continue reading...In the Old Testament, when God appears to people, He is often appearing in light.
Continue has a wonderful excerpt from C. S. Lewis' book, Mere Christianity, where
Continue reading...I like the testimony and challenge of Carolyn Woo, who serves with Catholic Relief
Continue reading...Curiosity has led many to Christ. The Jesus Film has posted 40 interesting facts
Continue reading...Someone has said that if you want to train someone to do what you do you begin by
Continue reading...On January 6, 2020, rioters, many carrying signs advertising Jesus, stormed the Capitol
Continue reading..."We offer you a simple exercise to help you receive more Divine Light. Lift your
Continue reading...Karen L. King writes, From the beginning, Jewish women disciples, including Mary
Continue reading..."Kubacka, Finkenauer, Rusbult, and Keijsers (2011) evaluated the effects of gratitude
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