A new film version of Lion King is out and once again we are faced with a power hungry
Continue reading...I hate to say it, but when a politician publicly identifies himself as a Christian
Continue reading...I always like it when I see famous movie or TV stars doing a Christian movie. I see
Continue reading...An argument has been made of late that when we elect someone to office it doesn't
Continue reading...Is it the nature of youth to act arrogantly? It doesn't have to be. Solomon did not
Continue reading...Whenever I am asked to teach or preach I go through a familiar wrestling in my spirit,
Continue reading...In many places and times in our world it has been the custom for those who come to
Continue reading...One of the beauties of the United States Constitutional government is a mostly clear
Continue reading...The Preacher feels the need to bring home the point that wisdom is not the answer
Continue reading...Even as we learn to give up seeking control of our lives and their future courses,
Continue reading...When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness he offered to give him all the nations
Continue reading...Comedian Patton Oswalt recently talked about a very negative post he made on Twitter
Continue reading...Leaders, no matter what level of leadership they hold, will always be tested. Parents
Continue reading...Neo was the one. Sorry, for those of you who are not aware of the movie trilogy Matrix,
Continue reading...The greatest fear the leaders of the newly successful American revolution was that
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