An argument has been made of late that when we elect someone to office it doesn't
Continue reading...Is it the nature of youth to act arrogantly? It doesn't have to be. Solomon did not
Continue reading...There are famous speeches that have moved men and women to great actions and to accomplish
Continue reading...Building projects. It's hard not to want whatever you are building, a house, an office,
Continue reading...Sometimes in my excitement to accomplish things at work I tended to jump first and
Continue reading...Whenever I am asked to teach or preach I go through a familiar wrestling in my spirit,
Continue reading...In many places and times in our world it has been the custom for those who come to
Continue reading...In the movie "Saving Private Ryan" the said private is finally saved by Captain Miller
Continue reading...One of the beauties of the United States Constitutional government is a mostly clear
Continue reading...In America we get to elect our leaders. But sometimes we elect leaders whose character
Continue reading...I had a wonderful mentor in Bill Barber. Bill was the Christian Education director
Continue reading...1 Samuel started with the exaltation of the humble Hannah, mother of Samuel. The
Continue reading...When my mother-in-law had a wreck in her nineties, she decided herself that she needed
Continue reading...We are not prone to celebrate the leadership of Osama bin Laden, the founder of al-Qaeda,
Continue reading...I remember being given responsibility for a segment of my church's ministry and immediately
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