Joseph son of Jacob had a dream as a young man that his family would bow down to
Continue reading...George Washington could have served more than two terms as president. He didn't even
Continue reading...A friend of mine painted a watercolor of Uriah during a sermon series on heroes of
Continue reading...Trouble-free leadership? Ain't gonna happen. Ask any president of the United States.
Continue reading...There are many who believe that the promise George H. W. Bush made, "No new taxes,"
Continue reading...In first and second Samuel we have seen the principle Hannah, Samuel's mother, celebrated,
Continue reading...History is full of examples of how power-hungry men and women miscalculated in their
Continue reading...When George Washington, America's first president, formed his advisory cabinet or
Continue reading...There are times in a leader's life when it seems everything is against him or her
Continue reading...When you get power, when you are exalted by God, how do you handle your power? How
Continue reading...I'll never forget the older gentleman who was the only one available to play racquetball
Continue reading...President Trump was advised that with the democratic party majority in the House
Continue reading...Are you afraid of the dark? It's hard not to be sometimes, isn't it? We can't see
Continue reading...I can't help but wonder what would have happened had President George W. Bush waited
Continue reading...In a speech made by Teddy Roosevelt at the Minnesota state fair in 1901, then vice-president
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