Have you thought about the stages you have gone through in your discipleship in Christ? Of
Continue reading...Persecution of believers is a prominent theme in Revelation. There is persecution
Continue reading...In the Satanic trinity there is Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. 11 Then
Continue reading...Can we identify anyone now as the antichrist? In a word, no. We might identify an
Continue reading...21:1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the
Continue reading...With the close of the millennial kingdom of Jesus and the rebellion led by Satan,
Continue reading...With the return of the conquering Christ to earth the present evil age (Galatians
Continue reading...As the judgments from God near their end there are pronouncements about the king
Continue reading...There is one superpower standing in the antichrist’s way of world domination, the
Continue reading...13:1 The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of
Continue reading...To say that chapter 12 does not forward the timeline of judgment on earth and the
Continue reading...John is told to measure the temple in Jerusalem (“the holy city,” “figuratively
Continue reading...It is generally recognized that there are chapters in the Revelation that do not
Continue reading...The judgments of God contribute to this last three and a half years of Daniel’s
Continue reading...Chapters 6-19 of Revelation contain a description of the judgment God pours out on
Continue reading...