Building projects. It's hard not to want whatever you are building, a house, an office,
Continue reading...Many years ago in my first and last attempt at being a vegetable gardener I planted
Continue reading...Are your ears ticklish? I don't think mine are. If you want to torture me it's my
Continue reading...Have we been seduced by wealth and the pursuit of wealth? It is a question worth
Continue reading...A friend of mine painted a watercolor of Uriah during a sermon series on heroes of
Continue reading...All sin affects not only the sinner but those connected to the sinner, even if in
Continue reading...When I was a kid and fell and cut open my knee my mom put this lovely red liquid
Continue reading...The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. And he was in the wilderness
Continue reading...41 Wilderness (Yeshimon) Yahweh your God, who is going ahead of you, will fight
Continue reading...40 Ordeals (Massot) Or has God ever tried to go and take for himself a nation
Continue reading...39 A Prophet Like Moshe (Nabi K’Mosheh) Since that time there has not arisen
Continue reading...38 Spirit of Wisdom (Ruach Chak’mah) Y’hoshua the son of Nun was full of the
Continue reading...37 Mourned (Vayiv’ku) Moshe was 120 years old when he died, with eyes undimmed
Continue reading...36 All the Land (Kal-et Haaretz) Moshe ascended from the plains of Mo’av to
Continue reading...35 This is the Blessing (V’zoth Hab’rakah) This is the blessing that Moshe,
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