Question: In one of my conversations with a mother of a retarded child, she
Continue reading...Question: What is the difference between Roman Catholicism and what Protestant churches
Continue reading...Question: I keep hearing that the Bible references Islam before it split from Judaism
Continue reading...Question: I am confused about how God feels about the Jewish people. Are they going
Continue reading...Question: Is a person saved who believes in Jesus, but they think that Muslims’
Continue reading...“How Do You Know Christianity Is the True Religion?” Assumptions: Each
Continue reading...Question: How does God differ from other religions’ gods, such as Muslims, Hindus,
Continue reading...Question: Why are there different religions? Answer: I suppose the simple answer
Continue reading...Question: I grew up in a Christian household. My stepdad was atheist, but my mom
Continue reading...Jared, to me, May As Jews we aim to keep to Hashem's words and never worship a God
Continue reading...Randall Johnson May 11, to Jared, May Here is my response to your commentary on
Continue reading...Randall Johnson May 9, to Jared, May The Jews have maintained monotheism after way
Continue reading...Randall Johnson May 9, to May, Jared Yours was a "quick" reply, relatively speaking
Continue reading...Randall Johnson May 8, to Jared, May Please let me assure you that I find ultimate
Continue reading...Jared, to me, May Hi Pastor Randall, Wondering what your view is on this video
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