Devotional: Right Hand of Refuge

Make your lovingkindnesses distinguished, O Savior of those who seek refuge at your right hand from their adversaries. (Psalm 17:7)

His father walked along with him as his five-year-old mind and heart took in the wonders of God’s world. He marveled at the delicate and colorful flowers as well as the imposing oaks and maples. When he saw another kid pretending to shoot at him, he pretended to shoot back. But when a snarling dog came across his path, he ran to his father and grasped his hand.

There may be foes we face for which we feel confidence in our ability to withstand, but others are so powerful and terrifying, like lions come to tear their prey apart (Psalm 17:12), that we seek refuge at like a child at his Father’s right hand. His right hand is powerful, more powerful than all his foes or adversaries. No place is more safe, nor a greater stronghold, than his Father’s right hand. God is a Savior, moshia, of those who seek refuge in Him.

And when our enemy is so threatening, we ask God our Savior to make His consistent lovingkindnesses even more distinguished, more unusually demonstrated. We are helpless before the antagonist, who has no kindness or love for us, except that we have one whose kindness and love for us is stronger than the hatred of our enemy.

13 Arise, O Yahweh! Stand against them, and bring them to their knees! Rescue me from the wicked with your sword! 14 By the power of your hand, O Yahweh, destroy those who look to this world for their reward. But satisfy the hunger of your treasured ones. (Psalm 17:13,14)

Randall Johnson

About the Author

Randall Johnson

A full-time pastor since 1979, Randall originally graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM) in 1979 and from Reformed Theological Seminary (DMin) in 1998. He is married with four grown children and a pile of epic grandchildren.

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