Reflections on India 2

I am just returned from a 12 day trip to India where I partnered with John Marley, a teacher from my church, to hold two 3-day Bible conferences.  The first was in Madurai, or more specifically, Light of Hope Gospel Mission just outside of Madurai.  The second was in Kovilpatti, a 3 hour trip south of Madurai.  All this is in the southern tip of India.  Our host was S. J. P. Vijayakumar, or Vijay.  He has been a missionary sponsored by Central Church since the mid 90′s.  His father-in-law, the founder of Light of Hope, has been supported by Central for many more years.  They are faithful servants of the kingdom.

I found myself drawn to several of the participants and their stories and would like to share some of those with the world (or at least whoever reads this blog).

Jesus Answered Prayer

A Pentecostal woman, she says, told her one day that Jesus is the only true God.  She was a Hindu but this idea stuck with her and so she decided to test it.  She had a brother-in-law who was told he needed surgery to get well and he couldn’t really afford it.  So she decided to pray in Jesus’ name for him to get well without surgery and he did.  Her husband was a drunkard, so she decided to ask Jesus to make him stop drinking.  And lo and behold, he did.  So the next inevitable step was to believe in Jesus and become a follower.

She came to the conference having led several of her family members to Christ in the years since she became a believer and having become a full time evangelist for the Lord, ministering mostly to women in home to home type ministry.  With her at the conference were her mother, a sister, and the sister’s two daughters.  One of the daughters (the girl in the red in this picture) told me at a break that she was studying the Word of God so she could become a preacher of the Word.  She’s following in her aunt’s footsteps.  Three generations of family have been redeemed.  God is at work in India!

Randall Johnson

About the Author

Randall Johnson

A full-time pastor since 1979, Randall originally graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM) in 1979 and from Reformed Theological Seminary (DMin) in 1998. He is married with four grown children and a pile of epic grandchildren.

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