Righteous Boldness – Proverbs 28:1

He knew that to proclaim Jesus as Messiah to his fellow synagogue members, a radical group of Israelites, called the “freedmen,” was sure to get him in trouble.  And he did.  The high council of Israel called him to trial for blasphemy, the penalty for that being death, and the testimony was stacked against him.  But surprisingly, as Stephen stood there, ready to give his defense, “All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.” (Acts 6:15)

The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1, ESV)

What makes the righteous so bold?

  • We know that God is with us in whatever we do within His prescribed will and that is according to His commandments.
  • We know that the very worst that can happen to us is that we die, and death no longer means the end of hope but the very fulfillment of it.
  • We love people enough to do bold things to help them and if need be rescue them.
  • We have each other to lean on and encourage us.

Let’s do something amazingly bold today!

Randall Johnson

About the Author

Randall Johnson

A full-time pastor since 1979, Randall originally graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM) in 1979 and from Reformed Theological Seminary (DMin) in 1998. He is married with four grown children and a pile of epic grandchildren.

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